Sunday, March 16, 2014

Time Vortex

After a long and stressful weekend we needed to get out of the house and relax.  We have a family membership at an amazing local children's science museum.  Its a delightful place with lots of hands on activities, bees, ants, turtles, a children under 5 area and room to run. It's a place that Colby and I went to when he was learning to walk to help him gain confidence. In the summer we take advantage of the walking trails along the river. It seems at a glance a place where you think you could spend all day except for one thing....this is the place where time stands still.

We set up this activity over and over again
but we only spent minutes at it

No joke, you feel like you have been looking at one exhibit for a half an hour and it turns out you have been there for only 3 minutes.  The boys move to exhibit to activity and you think that the day must be flying by but nope, you have been there only 25 minutes so far and you are antsy to leave.

the boys learning
something here...

I rarely, if ever, go alone with the boys.  I could handle it by myself, the boys enjoy it here and listen and stay close. I just need some company to help make the time vortex go by a little faster.  Today was a family day so Tom and I enjoyed each others company but during the week my friends and I try to coordinate ourselves.

The boys loved that they got
to take their straw rockets home!
(me too)

At the 2 hour mark in our visit today, Tom and I thought we had done well and started the boys for the coat room.  But then, an announcement that an activity to make straw rockets was about to start upstairs. Colby and Lincoln insisted that they needed to participate so off we went back upstairs.  It was worth it, the boys asked questions, used scissors and tape and enjoyed every second of it.  We finally finished up and headed home. 

It really is a wonderful place. I lament about it being a time suck but these are the pills you swallow as a parent because to Colby and Lincoln it is a wonderful, magical, science filled world. Don't get me wrong, I'll take some time before I go back!

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