Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Paper Plates

From time to time I like to share some of the crafts I do with the kids.  We have a good time and usually they come together rather well. Remember this gem...Getting My Craft On.  And then a well intentioned craft goes terrible wrong.  At school the teachers do an amazing job with a wide variety of crafts and projects that get the boys minds working. Colby had done some really neat paper plate crafts and he wanted to duplicate them at home. It seemed simple enough and we made a variety of spiders. Lincoln made a stop sign spider (of course), mine was a Christmas spider (again, of course) and Colby stuck with a traditional spider.  They came out great, lots of crayon and lots of tape and everyone seemed pleased.  And then I tried to step up my game.  Last week was "letter E" week at school and Colby needed to bring in a few things that start with the letter E. Colby and I decided to attempt to make an eagle out of paper plates.

This gives you a look at the spiders and the, wait, is that a turkey? No, it's a freaking eagle. It's such a bad eagle that Colby refused to bring it to school and show it off. Oh well, it filled an entire afternoon and we had a great time even if none of it made it to letter day!

So my takeaway from the craft activity is I can make a mean turkey out of paper plates.

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