Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Damn You Benjamin Franklin

Katie R.

So Andrew seems to be a somewhat normal kid, until he talks about his love for Benjamin Franklin.  I wouldn't say he is obsessed with Ben but we sure talk about him a lot.  For example these conversations have taken place:

- Do you think that Ben Franklin should go back and invent some more electricity for those Amish?

- Grandma... were you born before or after Ben Franklin?

-  I want to be Ben Franklin for Halloween... never mind I'll be Thor instead

-  Wow a Ben Franklin book!  That is awesome.

So the book "Now & Ben" which Andrew recently received as a gift after I spent 3 days eating and drinking my way through New England with high school girlfriends, became an instant favorite. And yes, you read it correctly, "Now & Ben"

So last night I was reading this book for the first time since Sunday and I got to this page.

Because this is hard to read, the picture explains how Daylight Savings time was his idea.  For those of you without young children you enjoyed your extra hour of sleep and now you're right back on track like nothing every happened.  And then there are the rest of us.  I want my extra 30 minutes of sleep back Ben!
So I speak for parents of young children every where by saying "Damn you Ben Franklin."

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