Monday, November 4, 2013

Not This Again

I have often said I would rather sleep train another child then deal with potty training one.  I'm not saying sleep training was a good time. It was awful but after a couple of weeks it was done and I had boys sleeping through the night.  And then potty training time comes and it's long, drawn out and a freaking mess.  Remember this little flash back... I've still never shared my secret! Colby's stubbornness and sheer will against going to the bathroom anywhere but home made for a long and trying time for the entire household.  After a good year from when we started Colby finally got a handle on it.  We had ups and downs but we made it through the world of potty training. And then Lincoln had to grow up and became of age to be potty trained.  As I stressed about how horrible it's going to become, as I agonize about what day to start on, as I fear all of the horrible poop stained underwear I'm going to go through Lincoln goes off and trains himself.

No joke! We had the little potty kicking around and we always talked about it and asked if he wanted to try but we never pushed it. He has been wearing pull-ups for a few weeks just to get in the habit of pulling them up and down and then last Friday he decided to pee and poop and the potty. Cut to 5 days later and he still hasn't had an accident.  Tom and I are heading away for the weekend so I'm not putting him in underwear yet but his pull-ups are dry all day and most nights.  How do 2 boys train so very differently?  I understand we haven't switched to underwear and tested our skills in the real world but I'm amazed at where we are with him compared to his brother.  I'm grateful this happened in this order because I was ready for another battle in the world of potty training and would have been blind-sided if this was easy the first time around. So watch out world, Lincoln is taking on the world next week in big boy underwear!!!!

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