Sunday, October 6, 2013

Wes the Mess is 2!

Katie R.

Saturday Wes officially turned 2, although we have been celebrating for over a week and the celebration will continue in November when my parents come for a visit. 

We have had lots of visitors this fall with many more to come which makes Wesley's birthday more specially and our lives very busy.  We are so lucky to have some many friends and family come see us when we are so far away from "home." Of course our kids now need grandparent and cake detox but it is worth every tantrum. 

I will work on some more posts later, in case you're dying to know what we have been doing, but these photos pretty much explain it:

1st Birthday Cake from Nana

Raspberry Picking (aka lunch)

Wes and I picking raspberries

No idea, I wasn't there

John Deere Party

Apple Picking before the party

Orchard where we have our annual apple picking with friends

Opening presents with 15 friends helping

New tool bench

Why use a fork?

Giving us a dirty look


Clean and ready for bed

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