Monday, October 28, 2013

Good Parents

Being a good parent means different things to different people.  No one that goes into parenthood plans to be a uninvolved parent. However, my level of involvement (and Tom's) decreases when our sports teams are on.  Luckily the World Series games are on at night and we don't have to worry about the boys because they are tucked in. It does make for slow moving morning when the games go so late though. Instead of going outside on a beautiful Sunday to run around we all go downstairs to watch/play during the game.

The view from my point of view shows how involved we are in our children.

One of the kids may have been in the fort but I wasn't really keeping track of them.

This one is proof that I at least looked over at the boys to make sure they weren't beating each other up.

These may not be our finest parenting moments but we are building the new generation of New England sports fans!

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