Monday, April 22, 2013

Road Trip

We did it!  A two day 17 hour road trip with a 2 and a 4 year old.  The biggest adventure was trying to leave during an April snow/ice storm.  We actually were loaded up got on the road to only get off the 1st exist and turn around and went home for 2 hours to let the storm pass and allow the plow trucks to get out. Once we finally got moving the trip was smooth sailing!  My purchase of headphones for the boys was a HUGE success!

The track suit and headphones make Colby
look like an athlete on a team bus!

Lincoln loved the headphones and endless munchies!

I am also eternally grateful to the $5 I spent at K-Mart on a Busytown Mysteries DVD that was 4 and 1/2 hours long.  Colby loved every second of it and watched it twice!

More to come on the adventures while in South Carolina but I wanted to celebrate our uneventful roadtrip as I can only imagine these types of road trips are few and far between. 

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