Thursday, April 4, 2013

Our Wintertime Easter

Over here in this household we traveled this year for Easter.  It wasn't just to my parents house it was to the last place in New England with still a ton of snow on the ground.  No springtime flowers coming up, no walk to the neighborhood playground and no egg hunt in the front yard.

We did, however, get to go sledding!  Crazy right?

Not your typical Easter activity but we had fun. And the Easter bunny made due with the snow and had the egg hunt on the deck. 

The boys enjoyed themselves and got to visit with several relatives that they don't see often enough. The Easter bunny was very good to them (I didn't stick to a strict budget like the other Katie) and the rest of the family spoiled them as usually! 

Another year, another holiday; we are blessed to be so fortunate but I would like a little less snow next Easter!

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