Sunday, March 3, 2013

Syncronized Spinning

I don't know why they do it. Every time they are a little too tired it starts.  One starts and then the other joins it. 

When Colby was little we called it the spins.  You know that time just as your kids reach that overtired stage and get crazy, that is when the spins kick it.  Colby would twirl and twirl and twirl. We would all laugh and then he would get too dizzy and collapse. that it's Colby and Lincoln the spins have taken it to a new level.  You can tell that they are brothers because without even trying they sync their twirls. 
and spin...
and spin...
and spin!
Damn these boys just crack me up.  And yes it's only a matter of time before one of them spins and falls into the corner of the coffee table. 

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