Friday, March 15, 2013

Amusement Park

I've been a little under the weather this week so needless to say I've haven't been the rock star, hands on mom that I always am (meaning the cartoons went on much earlier than usual and stayed on late). Knock on wood, it's not the flu but it still means no big outings for the boys and no playdates that we had scheduled with friends.  So everyday when Tom came home from work the boys were ready to run and play with a functional parent.  Fortunately for Colby and Lincoln and unfortunately for Tom's back the popular choice was horsey rides throughout the house. 

With the expressions on their faces you can tell they are loving every moment of it. Over and over again Tom would let them take turns until he (or his back) couldn't take it any longer.    We have survived the week and I'm feeling much better so I guess I'll have to take my place in the horsey rides again.  Great! Remember that Lincoln isn't called meatball because of his small stature!

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