Friday, May 18, 2012

Spaghetti Dinner

Katie D.
There are many forms of pasta: macaroni, linguini, rotini and so on and so on.  According to my children they all taste differently. I’m not surprised by this decision, I’m sure I had similar protests when I was a child too.  This does not frustrate me; I ask the boys ahead of time which type they want for dinner because I will not make an extra meal for anyone.  What caught me off guard the other night during dinner was that spaghetti apparently is only eaten in long pieces.  I had cut it up in to small, not even little, pieces and my lack in judgment made for a very long dinner.  As any mom knows the longer the spaghetti the bigger the mess but if a meal is eaten with relative ease then I’ll take it!
Colby taking it to town!
He attempted to use the fork!

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