Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Home Depot, Home Brew and Home Improvement

Katie R.

If you would have asked me last week, I would have told you that there are two phrases that instantly raise my blood pressure- Home Depot & Home brew.  Well now I have one more… Home Improvement. 

I think I’ve mentioned (aka complained) about the fact that we are doing a renovation to our lower level and have a strict timeline with visitors coming.  What was supposed to be a quick and easy project seems to be dragging on and of course we’re way over budget; however, when we’re done we will have an additional room, defined storage area and mudroom. 

Originally we were going to do a lot of the work ourselves.  Really that means that Joe does the work and I take care of the kids. Luckily we both realized after a week or so that this plan sucks and we are now hiring people to do most of the work, hence the over budget part.
So, if I’m a little more cranky it’s because I haven’t had lights in my kitchen and laundry room for the past 2 days, I’ve spent way too much time alone with two kids (including a 4 hour trip to a birthday party) and our house is a wreck. 

This is how far along we are: 

This used to be my kids playroom: 

 They don't seem to mind too much:

Our goal is to finished by May 19th so we'll see.  The only good news is I have not heard the word "brew" for weeks.

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