Thursday, April 24, 2014

Empty Hallway

Off of my living room I have a hallway to the bedrooms and bathroom.  I have no pictures hanging on the walls, no accent table with a vase or anything on it.  I don't even have a nightlight in the outlet to help light the way at night.  I always think I will do, add, hang something to give the hallway a little bit more character but I rationalize that I haven't found what I'm looking for. 

And then, something happens to show me why I have nothing in that hallway.  When the weather is cold/rainy/crappy and the boys are bursting at the seams in the house and need an outlet that empty hallway comes in handy.  The most recent example is this...

I closed all the doors, gave them the giant red ball and let them kick, throw and have reckless abandonment with it.  They couldn't hurt anything and the ball was soft enough to not leave a mark on each other after kicking it at each others faces!

So my excuse to not decorate my hallway is a good one.  I don't want anything to get broken.  Maybe when they are teenagers I'll think about doing something with it......or not.


  1. Just wait until they learn how to walk up the walls! We have a long narrow hallway and both of my kids learned how to put one hand one each wall pish on it then put their feet on samew said walls and the walked up until their heads hit the ceiling. We had to put an end to the wall walking g after I painted the hallway. Enjoy the ball hall!

  2. Yikes Christi! I'll have to keep an eye out for when they attempt that!!
