Wednesday, December 4, 2013


As we all know the word selfie has left it's stamp on the world  this year.  I've already blogged about Colby's new found joy for picture taking and his artistic point of view...

Like I said, an artistic eye. But upon further inspection of all the pictures Colby took over our Thanksgiving holiday two more caught my eye. This one...
I love this one so much because we have all done this before. The classic "did I hit the button" and "what's taking this thing so long" and as you turn the camera to your face you get the flash and the picture is taken when you least expect it.
Would such an encounter deter Colby, the new budding photographer? Oh no! The following picture proves the opposite.
It seemed to become a conscience decision to try to capture himself after the upside down shot.  A full length mirror at my fathers house satisfied the next 10 photos or so until he finally captured my favorite shot of him over the Thanksgiving holiday.
Alas, the classic selfie. It shows off his freckles on his nose and his sweet face.  I love this little man! I can't wait to see how he captures the world next!

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