Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Sunbathing Bird

 This is what I get for cleaning my sliding glass doors....


Look closely and you will see the "sunbathing" beauty. Well, that's what I told the boys. It was so hot that it kept it's wings out.

The bird was still alive but not doing well but I let him rest, hoping he had just stunned himself and would fly away.  I checked an hour later and he was gone. The boys and I rejoiced. As we sat down to dinner the neighborhood cat shows up to say hello and he stops to pounce under the steps. He comes out all proud of himself with the bird in the mouth.

And then the bird really did leave this time just not under his own accord. While the cat left I distracted the boys and never looked back. 

Avoided the dead animal conversation for now....sweet!

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