Friday, July 26, 2013

Game, Set, Match belongs to...

Katie R.

Last night we were talking about plans for Saturday.  It's supposed to be beautiful and Joe and I each have our own idea of what a great summer Saturday should be.  So what do amazing parents such as ourselves do when trying to decide?  Of course we use our kids to gain leverage and each new "idea" Andrew liked more and more.

Joe:  Andrew tell mommy you want to pick berries this weekend  (there is nothing I dislike more then picking berries)

Katie:  I think that it would be great if Daddy takes you and your brother to pick berries.

Joe:  Andrew tell mommy that it would be great if we went as a family.

Katie:  Andrew instead we can go to the ocean and play in the waves (Joe doesn't really like going to the ocean)

Joe:  Tell mommy we can compromise and go to NF Lake (not my favorite lake)

Katie:  Tell Daddy we can go to SN Lake AND get ice cream

And the winner is Katie

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