Sunday, April 28, 2013

The BBQ That Wasn't

Tom rolls over to me this morning and whispers in my ear "Honey, I'm gonna get up and give the hog some juice injections".

May I introduce Tom's smoker!

The weather this weekend was beautiful, the smoker was assembled and ready to go and then it happens...all best laid plans go down the toilet.

I appreciated Isis Kitty hanging out
with Lincoln so I could enjoy the outside a little!

 All this little guy wanted to do was cuddle in my bed and watch Curious George.  Nothing like a fever to keep people at bay.  Not to mention half of the people that we had invited had stomach bugs and had to bail too. So hear we are with a 7lb pork shoulder, Switchback on tap, my fabulous spinach-guacamole dip made and Tom, Colby and I left to eat it.

One of my favorite summer dips!
Tom's 1st attempt using the smoker was a success, the pork was great! Good thing because we will be having it all week in as many different ways that I can think to serve it.  

Well, it's early in the season. We will have plenty of time to make up for it as long as we can all stay healthy.

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