Monday, April 8, 2013

My Parenting Fail of the Weekend

The weather this weekend was chilly but nice enough to get out and get some yard work done.  I was so eager to get my hands dirty I let the boys have free range in the backyard while I worked.  I had the clippers out and was taking to town some branches so when I saw Colby and Lincoln digging a hole in the dirt patch I didn't blink an eye.  They were thrilled to dig, squeal and carry on so on I continued cutting and raking.  I then noticed that they they took turns with the shovel dumping dirt on one anothers head.  My first fail of the day was not saying anything right then and there and my second was then allowing it for the next 30 minutes so I could finish up what I was working on in the yard. As we walked in the house I had the boys strip down in the doorway because of how filthy they were. Lincoln's diaper was so full of dirt it was heavy. As I sent them to the shower they trailed dust like Pig Pen from the Peanuts Comic Strip! Luckily I have a detachable shower head and I just hosed those boys down forever. Lincoln was not a fan but he had no choice. Their hair was so dirty I had to rinse and repeat several times before the sand and dirt was all out.  All was well and good after they got out of the shower but I have to admit that I should have said something at the time.......oh well. Life goes on after parenting fails.

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