Sunday, December 1, 2013

The View From Here

Thanksgiving has come and gone. We traveled early due to the weather, visited with family and friends, participated in a turkey trot and celebrated a birthday. I have many stories to share but they are for another day. On Thanksgiving day I let Colby have the camera (yes, I was very nervous) and he loved capturing the day from his own viewpoint.  At that height the angles are goofy, the faces are funny and the randomness of some of his pictures are hilarious. 

A great shot of Colby's Aunt Jeanne!
Just look at that smile!

And Grampy was a little shocked at how close
Colby got for this one!

And Colby followed this cat around until
he cornered her in the bathroom!
And I got captured too by the
budding photographer

And the sweet boy didn't leave
out the plant life either!

And he told Mamie to
"put em up!"

It's not much of a story but it's always fun to share the view from the best 4 year old around! I hope you all had wonderful Thanksgivings too!

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