Monday, November 25, 2013

The Sweetest Thing He Ever Said

Katie R.

With a bad weather prediction and early flight on Wednesday, we are now leaving for Thanksgiving tomorrow night.  Of course I was probably not going to be ready Wednesday morning so the fact we are leaving a day early means only one thing... a whole morning of tv for the kids while I booked hotels, packed, cleaned, etc.

So as I was packing suitcases the kids watched their 4th hour of  tv and ate lunch and although I tuned it out apparently a Febreeze commercial came on.  Andrew started screaming "mommy, mommy, mommy".  When he got my attention he said "Mommy if you bought that you would never have to do laundry.  You can just spray it and you'll never have to do laundry again. I think you should ask Nana for that for Christmas."

Greatest Kid Ever

Photograph By Rebecca Whitney Photography

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