Tuesday, July 9, 2013

24 hours of Wes

Katie R.

We leave for vacation in 4 days so of course Andrew gets sick.  Which means this is Andrew all day:

Except when we were driving to the doctor when he was like this:
Luckily Wes healthy; however, that means he's been stuck inside all day which is never good.  In fact these are just a small sampling of his accomplishments over the past 24 hours (and please note 14 of those hours he has been asleep):
  • Climbed in a drawer on Andrew's dresser and threw everything on the floor
  • Climbed onto his dresser and reached up on a shelf and grabbed his piggy bank
  • Grab my lip gloss out of my purse, opened it and spread it over his entire left leg
  • Threw an entire glass of water on the floor
  • Pushed my wooden vase (with a glass vase inside) over the ledge causing glass to shatter (glass everywhere)
  • And of course the usual crazy antics which caused him to sit in so many time-outs I lost count
In fact when Joe said he needed to go to Home Depot tonight I replied no problem but you have to take Wes.  Joe looked at me, the former bedtime nazi, and said but it's only 15 minutes until his bedtime.  I then picked up Wes, gave him a kiss and said "be a good boy for daddy". 
Good thing he's cute (and yes he stole the buckeyes out of my room today when I left the door open).

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