Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Conversations by Colby

Just a few conversations from the life of Colby!

Tom: Colby, do you want to go have a catch?

Colby: Actually Dad lets just go throw the ball!

Colby: Is it night time?

Me: It is buddy, we have to start getting ready for bed!

Colby: I think I'm going to wait until the moon to comes up before getting ready for bed.

Colby (just after eating a huge dinner): Mom, I'm still hungry!

Me: Are you kidding me!

Colby: Well, my stomach is full but my knee still feels a little hungry.

Colby:Hey Mom, I have a question!

Me: Yeah buddy, what is it?

Colby: Do you sit on the potty to pee every time?

Me: Yup, every time.

Colby: Huh, well how about that!

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