Friday, February 8, 2013

Peter Pan's Right Hand Man

It's Peter Pan's right hand man; always ready and by his side! Peter even loses the ability to fly without it because he is not complete! Yes, I'm talking about his shadow for those of you who aren't up on your Peter Pan trivia. 

Seeing your shadow as an adult is just something you see and think nothing of it! But for a child, more specifically, a 2 year old that is exploring and learning everyday, to find and see his shadow is the coolest thing ever. Alas, my Lincoln has found his right hand man-his shadow!

The longer he has played with it the more he understands! He even went and got his zebra blankies from his room to see what they would do to his shadow! Another classic move of Lincolns is to dance and watch what happens which has lead to him bumping into everything!

Lincoln played with his shadow all morning long that day and continues to look for it wherever he goes. I love watching how his crazy, wild little mind works!

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