Sunday, November 11, 2012

List for Santa

Katie D.

Poor Santa, he has his hands full this year. 

I’ve haphazardly said to Colby over the last few months that “sure, buddy, we’ll put it on the list for Santa!” Well, the list has grown and I thought that he would forget about some of the things on the list but nope!  Because I am in such good regards with Santa I have expressed my concern and he has told me to not go overboard. Of course Santa is right but keeping an almost 4 year old for going over the edge is hard. 

For example, today the family went to JCP to look at pj’s for the boys for when we go to the Polar Express in a couple of weeks. As I was distracted and tried on a coat, Colby spied a remote control helicopter.  He proceeded to show me, Lincoln and Tom and told us how much he wanted it.  I reminded him that we were just looking and then he asked if we could put it on the list.  As much as I wanted to say sure so that we could continue shopping and enjoying our morning I said,” I think we have enough on our list to Santa!” As you can imagine that didn’t go over well and the melt down ensued. 

Our fun family morning was over and we headed to home.  I was able to talk Colby off his cliff of insanity about the helicopter (with the help of candy and TV) but I’m positive it won’t be the last I’ll hear about it.  I can’t make Santa the bad guy so I guess I’ll have to do.  

*note, this is not an invitation to family to buy this toy for my child!

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