Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sugar High

Katie D.

When I was a kid the excitement of seeing grandparents was increased by the fact that I would soon be on a high! Not just on the pure happiness of seeing them it was that I could go into the pantry and raid the shelves and get an epic sugar high. My Pepere and Memere's house always had Nestle Crunch Bars and Reece's Peanut Butter Cups and  I took advantage of it every time!

The sugar high has morphed into the next generation....

With Nana in town (my mom) for the past week the boys have had a great time visiting with her and showing her all the great things they have to offer her.  In return, like any proper grandparent, she adores them and gives into every request.  Instead of candy and the sugar high, the high comes from something much more addicting!

And Colby is rocking his new boots from Nana too!

Yes, nothing says love from a grandparent then control of the i touch!

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