Sunday, August 5, 2012

Truck Town

Katie D.
This past week construction started on my street. In an estimated 6-8 weeks all of our water pipes and fire hydrants will be replaced.  As you can only image this effort utilizes many pieces of equipment which leads to little boys’ heaven. Bright and early Monday morning (I’m not kidding, they showed up at 6:30am) the trucks rolled onto the street and got to town. Colby and Lincoln enjoyed their morning milk with front row seats to the main event. 
front row seats

All morning long the boys were captivated by the construction. They would play with some of their toys but the noise would bring them back to check on the progress. Ahhh…the noise. Yes dump trucks, bulldozers and back hoes make a lot of noise but it was one technique the construction workers used that really raised the bar on noise.  We live in a rocky terrain so it seemed to be no surprise that the boulders the workers pulled from the ground were large.  For the pieces that were too large for the backhoe to pick up the technique utilized was picking up the large boulders and dropping them from high with hopes they break the epic granite below.  This was not only loud but shook the house every freaking time they did it. And for your information it doesn’t take only a few times to break those beasts, it took AN HOUR!! My saving grace is that it stopped right before nap!
pick it up
and drop it down

Back at it again at 6:30am the following day brought more of the same.  The boys still seemed content to watch, however, I was getting antsy.  I tried to divert their attention to other activities; I pulled out the big guns-play-doh, finger paints, water table fun! They didn’t want to do anything that meant they couldn’t run to the window at a moment’s notice to watch the progress.  I guess there are worse things so we pulled out all our construction vehicles to play along with the workers outside.  My highlight of the day was when they smashed our old, crappy mailbox and told me they would replace it. 
who needs to leave the house

This story will not conclude for some time but the boys will love every chapter, their mom will want to skip to the end in a few weeks.

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