Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Summer Solstice

Katie D.

Happy Sumer Solstice!

This has been a wonderful day to welcome in summer.  As my weather channel app shows the temperature soared into the nineties.  We beat the heat with the water table, the sprinkler and air conditioning.  I love summer and the heat it brings.  But tonight when I was picking out books to read to Colby he insisted on one particular one that we haven’t read in quite some time. It didn’t seem to fit the season and all the hot summer activities we had done today but he persisted. So we read The Night Before Christmas by Clement C. Moore 3 times; twice to start our book reading and then again as the last book selection of the night.   His love of all things Christmas rivals only my passion for the holiday. On such a perfect, steamy summer night we called the reindeer by name and wished everyone a Merry Christmas. I only hope your summer solstice celebration was as wonderful as mine!

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