Friday, April 27, 2012

Pizza Friday

Katie R.

Thank God it’s Friday.  We look forward to Fridays for many reasons:  the start of the weekend activities, Joe is home for 2 days and most of all Pizza Friday.

A couple years ago Katie D and her family (before Lincoln and Wes were born) invited us over for pizza one Friday evening.  Her comment was “I don’t cook on Fridays.”  Well, as I don’t like to cook any night those words sounded like music to my ears.

Even though Katie D. has generously opened her house on Friday to all of our friends, we are the only rude ones who actually took them up on it and now show up pretty much every Friday.  Luckily our husbands and kids are good friends so they look forward to it as much as we do.

Unfortunately we had to cancel last week and this week because of this freakin’ home improvement project we are doing.  Not only does that mean we don’t get to hang out with our friends it also means I have to cook dinner for my family.  Damn.

Just another Friday evening!

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