Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ready for Kindergarten

Tom and I were sitting on the couch after putting the boys down for bed the other night.  We had our feet up, TV on and both had tablets on our laps and were unwinding from the day.  We heard the familiar sound of a door knob turning and waited to see who it was.  Of course, it was Colby. As he heads into the bathroom he informs it is for poop but that he can handle it.  Tom and I exchange glances, thinking that this could be interesting.  (Any mom can relate to the wiping issues of a child and we have told Colby this is something he needs to be better about before he starts school because it is not the teachers job to deal with that.) After some time in the bathroom I called out to Colby to see if he needed anything but he informed us he was fine.  Eventually he came out of the bathroom and with a satisfied look on his face declared that he was now ready for Kindergarten and then went back to bed.  Tom and I contained our laughter until he was back in his room.  Who needs school supplies, this kid can wipe his butt so bring on the school year!

Enjoying the last few weeks of summer!

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