Monday, October 14, 2013

Fostering Creativity

I've got no problem getting down and dirty and playing with my kids.  We dance together, play board games and even play play-doh. This is not to say I don't do my fair share of sitting on my but looking at Facebook or Pinterest.  And then today both of these worlds meshed into one.

We have Colby's easel out so that he can work on his letters.  He continues to write with both hands and this was a suggestion by his teachers to help to determine his dominant hand.  So this big thing just hangs out in the living room for when he feels like using it.  Today he asked for a new piece of paper and asked for me to help him turn it away from the couch. After I helped him he told me to sit on the couch and wait until he was done drawing a picture for me.  I obeyed his command and sat on the couch with my smart phone.

He took his sweet time so I also got to check in on Instagram, E! Online and my local news.  I love it when we can "play" like this together.

When all was said and done a good chunk of time had gone by and Colby had drawn me an awesome drawing of a rocket ship. If sitting on my but helps to foster his amazing imagination and creativity I will willingly do my best!

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